Yaaayy--!!! ^-^! Finally I can Post this picture-of-Clouday>>> I got it last nite from Eric *but as the Network goes Down_errr_and now they're back again haha..dududuummm.. Cloud...Cloudy..CLooouuuuddd'day...You've Represented as my day-down hereee ^-^ *
Yup. Thats rite. Anemia-thats exactly a very-vewwy-berry' right word for those "ssstupid-Genetically Disease" that I had-since the day I was born. Its just Me and my-Mom who had this; apparently because we're woman & our system-of-Blood / Hemoglobin-sys' are under normal. Nuh.! They always comes Radically' it means could be in anytime//anywhere//anything.. (and when it spends the time with me- absolutely I almost couldn't do anything right., and if it startin' to be worse; all I could do is remain silent, in a rush to get-Sleep, and become Super-Sensitive I could cry/mad/Yell.!!)
Thats why I didn't write my Daily journal today_ups-yesterday-_ I started to feel better around 10 o'clock at night tadi; after that I go straight to my Laptop to do the-Left'jobs.
haaaaa...... I hate that time =(
>>>[Eriiccccc...! Sooo sorry ya you didn't find anything on my daily-journal today ='(, now you know the reason kan;..]
pheww-- I wish I had the picture of me wearing a Maid-uniform; that would be fun to Post-!! So! Today I woke up around 7am and my very first thing' that I did was returned to my Lapz, go-to read Wikipedia (I read Eva Cassidy's Biography; some article about a disease called "Mellanoma"-its a cancer anyway-; and read the Communism' for knowing the details more-hmm...Politics act nich ye..=p-)
Well, then an hour later I got up from my bed; making-the-List for myself of course. I wrote 4 List of personal maid jobs today.
1. Clean-up the Makeup desk
2. Take Out-all..goodies from Luggage immediately
3. Make-up all my Bags (which are..'terribly spread-out' haha)
4. Shoes--Shoes--Shoes--Shoessss bfore they broke!!!
>>> Ehm.. Looks easy isn't it? ;) hahaaaa... Poor me. Poor--poor Me... Today I only finished the number one-list. arrrgghh. I just realize that I have TONS of makeup kit/goodies and more and more and mooorrreee.. Gross! I found lots of 'em are useless--God! ha ha ha... ridiculous- I can't believe I used to saved them (dress'labels, trash, OH i even found ma'own haircut!!!huahaha!) That' time-I was starting to feel a bit dizzy & yucky' feelin' in my stomach.
I just Can't believe that I've been working and cleaning that desk-only and I was spending FOUR Hours to finished it!!!!!! Now Thats! What I called Virusss of Anemia.........! ^o^
-------get rest-get rest-get rest----------
*so now I'm planning to work the other 3' tomorrow. or again in the day after tomorrow. or again n' againn on the Next day after tomorrow's-morrow" wihihihihii....* =p*
------------------------------------------goin' to sleep----------------------------------------
1 comment:
Wahhh... Keduluan upload foto awan!!! Curankkk!!!! GRRRR.. =)) just kid' how do you think the clouds here up in Manado???! I have more'n'more cloud piczzz! beautiful cloud piczzzz!! Send you more soon dhe once itss done editing!
Woahh... carefull of your An3m!A donkss... Get plenty of rest gih... Promise me that you won;t get sick yahh Gis..?!
Okay.. going to go off soon.. Take care yahh! Tha2....
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