
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Etos kerja...Etos kerjaaa...e.t.o.s---k.e.r.j.a ...!!! *errr*

Bravo young people..!.. 'yang selalu bilang bahwa etos kerja anak muda itu efektif, bagus berencana kritis, bla..bla...bla...' Bravooo... *HA.
Can I tell 'em about something? Well.., Do they understand about what is a Time-Management??
uh... I dunno whether they've ever learned it at school or their parents or anything. But, the point is; I Don't See That IN These Youngster's world.
Yuph.., let me tell you a story. There is this "production/group/community/whateva" booked me for a job; out of province-.
So the schedule was already confirmed since the last Monday, 4 days ago. The day' will be in the middle of some-hectic' schedule (for this week). We already told 'em to give us the full-reports according to the job, everything; tickets for flights,,, accommodation,,,and stuffs. pokoknya kalo ke luar kota persiapan pasti lebih hectic lah ya.
Kenapa yaaa...nggak booking tiket dari 4 hari lalu begitu kita sudah confirm??
It doesn't mean they have power to ruin my own schedules; and switch 'em like they want; Helloooo...I'm working here...eee... Beside they're already know my confirmed-schedule. Arrange' dooong........ =/
makannya kalo mau kerja ya kerja yg bener dong... sebagai anak muda kan harusnya tunjukin kalo bener2 idealis atau fokus bekerjaaa... mana mana manaaa..?? =p

1 comment:

me said...

domii.. it's kinda hard to read ur blog say.. secara kecil bgt tulisannya hehehe.. lookin forward to read more from ur blog dear ;))