
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ha!! It's early in the Morning---It is Dawn already!!!

Uh-huh. Might wanna know what am I doing here writing this in the very special beginning of the day?? =p it's dawn! he he... well; I was asleep; but then I woke up -just a sudden awakening- my eyes just opened, thats all. And I can't sleep no more till' now. *heuuu..
I'm pretty sure it's like my 'insomnia' wanna says Hi to me again. ha ha..

I was just thinking, about what would I do for the next days. Gosh-- it is something that I have to do, for keeping alive in this world full of solid' things. Probably I don't like this; but still we have to choose right?; well.....*I'm not gonna write up exactly what-it-is-but; lemme do the Illustration, or example =p*
If we're an artisan"; the one who dedicated our life in the name of 'idealism' and 'art', we might be understand this kinda' feeling..
my friend's eve told me, "Idealism is costly". and that is the truth. Agreed. We want to stay still on our 'idealism; but we might forget that we're still live in the social world, which is we have to put our flexibility in it. We still had to work on a teamwork (even the team that we sumtime' don't like at all) for Surviving Life.--Okay..okay..Money; for real--
I'm just wondering what happened with the people who had that idealism, but they don't have anything to hold on to?
it means they had to work commercially; socially-act,to get some cash' for staying alive.
That-what I called a flexibility. and that-also sucks for me. Have to choose to deal with flexibility... I don't hate the situation, I'm grateful for what I had reach; but honestly, I don't like the people. The "commercial-lovers' (bukan iklan yeee artinyaa ^^). something to be commercial.booming. like that-I don't really like 'em. Cause, those people never wanna know about -what is artificial-side'- no room for it. just a deadline...deadline...and dead-commercial-line" =)

d'oh..* I've talk too much I guess hi hi.. but I really need to shout-out my mind, tough.
yah...namanya juga hidup >>> It really is-all about choices in life...


Eric Chang said...

Phew. I believe God has a plan for it! definitely! so, just let it flow first..:) Gud luck with it tomorrow! Pray for you tonite!

huah. gonna sleep now :D poor brothel had just finished his meeting:( okie. see you soon!

@sakti_p said...

a great filmmaker told me one day 'you have to be rich to do you idealistic dreams'. Guess thats true. But for me idealistic sometime means I have no one I should listen when they challenge my works. Guess thats life.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess an artisan is also a part of the society, although somewhat has the unusual gift to be one-step-head from others. Sometimes, an artisan is so one-step-ahead in his/her ideas, in the medium of conveying them, etc, that people are just not ready to appreciate = not commercially sound 'art product'. That's why I think the artisan should also be aware, be considerate about others; introduce his/her ideas step by step until the society can appreciate the 'art'. One simple way is to make yourself known, and then people will treat your progressive, idealistic expression in the future with curiosity. Marketable first, then Idealistic.

Bonanssa Fahrenheit said...

To begin with ," Ouch.."

I never really consider myself an artisan since I've been taking the long way round to fulfill my ambitions, all my artistic side that is.

Probably that was the reason why I decided to take Marketing and Media instead of photography. Never regretted it though since quoting what you said," life is all about choices and flexibility."

But I always believe that if we choose to be flexible, it will happen, it is just a matter of time. To top it up, it is also about our ability to wait and reach our top priority, our most significant dream.

Kind Regards
