Phewh-...Yess.. I really have to deal with my-own life Quotes "Life's all about Choices" for this year. Why? cos everything in this world full of people; nothing's run smooth as we always wanted to..No. Like me, I have to realize that. Well I think I can handle it easily; but in fact; wow it is, 'difficult ya!! he..
>>>This morning, my mom just come into my room and brought me something. Guess what; it is a Contract-Sheet" between me and John Casablancas Center Modeling School!! ^o^
I read 'em, and I realize that I was being a student there since 8 February 2002; and Class was start on 25 February 2002; so it's mean it's been Almost 6-years I've been Modeling since then!!! haaaa.... And looking back from those days; days when I have to go from Bekasi-Timur to Baritto' then go back again to Bekasi accompanied by my mommy; Owh- It really is..made me proud of what I've got till' today =)
>>> Then! even after I've already moved here; It's not like we're stop to working hard now. Nope., even we have to work harder! hi hi hi... well, as it is; 'No Pain-No Gain darling..=)'
So. Regarding from this "Flashback' report; I realize that This Year, 2008; we, my-family still had a lot of works (sss) to-do! ha. yepzzz..Still we need to working out every-little things, to keep us alive in the World. between all human as well. ^=^
**a butterfly I've been taken a picture of it. so lovably, what God has been create all!! ^^**
>>>This morning, my mom just come into my room and brought me something. Guess what; it is a Contract-Sheet" between me and John Casablancas Center Modeling School!! ^o^
I read 'em, and I realize that I was being a student there since 8 February 2002; and Class was start on 25 February 2002; so it's mean it's been Almost 6-years I've been Modeling since then!!! haaaa.... And looking back from those days; days when I have to go from Bekasi-Timur to Baritto' then go back again to Bekasi accompanied by my mommy; Owh- It really is..made me proud of what I've got till' today =)
>>> Then! even after I've already moved here; It's not like we're stop to working hard now. Nope., even we have to work harder! hi hi hi... well, as it is; 'No Pain-No Gain darling..=)'
So. Regarding from this "Flashback' report; I realize that This Year, 2008; we, my-family still had a lot of works (sss) to-do! ha. yepzzz..Still we need to working out every-little things, to keep us alive in the World. between all human as well. ^=^
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