
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gee.. there's VIP people lookin' for trouble''----

Hmm... huwahhhh.. did u notice' that' kind of look?--well Eric said that 'my half-eyes' is look liked "sadako" on Ringu. It could kill people.killer he said *dasarrr..*
But i think i'm getting agree now. BeeCooosss, i just got news dat' tomorrow there won't be any Dizaster-family' comes to watch the-video of PulauPeucang. XXX{ errrggghhhh..
Eric & Adhi just told me that there's a very Sudden-project of photoshoot to Manado from Goverment's people. Menteri Pariwisata;they said. And if that's really is-a'-Yess; then our long-pLan of watching the Video--will be pending. Until...err..dunno'. They're gonna work there from 15th october- n' its for Six Weeks. Six weeks???!!!?? now How the HELL am I Goinnng to do in here??? back at 22th; re-arrange the schedule, and Great! Thats my-turn to be busy...ha.
Am i mad? yess. a very BIG Yess. I'm Mad with that 'Stupido-Menteri"!
15?? aren't they supposed to Think' dat it is still a Holi-Holidayyy ? ? ? Commonn' don't be too-stupid doongg pak Menteriii. It's too-soon gitu! they're gonna hav to prepare everything only in One day.--with NO-assisstant/maid/workers/apaaalah cos it's still gonna be a holiday!! duh gimana sich... *same as usual. Goverment's people. they just don't give any-damn sympathy to us who work n' work for our famz and passion. Please Get-Lost ajaa deh loo semua--*

Tapi Eric nggak mau juga sih.. good cos he's got the Power to unaccepted their decision. =) (ya kan dia fotografer-nyaa..)
Well he said i have to wait; ya... okay. I can't do anything' more kann.. (i didn't do a thing juga dr awal lhee..)
Cuma awass aja yah kalo emang jadi mereka - Fotonya.. I'll let my-killer eyes 'speaks' to 'em. hmm..maybe some 'curse..or some spell-prayer' will work............*
Let's see...

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