Wooow---^-^ I've been spent 'the 2nd Lebaran day' with having myself going n' going n' going to Church at9.30 (we were late for the 1st-MISA today!! no-one's awake at 6 am-haha); then I scanned some new photos from A+ (owh-I love it! Love it! Love it!!! ^o^) scanned some articles & files; and oh! My Baby-s Pictures!!! wuuuaaaahahahahaaaa-- Well, you can see 'em here =)
"mumumumuuuu--Lil'babyMiMi-- I named it.,and I found that I really really have been Stick- to my Pony^ since me' was a kiddo' hihihi... It feels like, yesss this is my real style, I just Loooovvveeee to hide myself through my-Pony".. mmm... feel so good; they're camouflage-ing all-my mood ^.^
>>Back to my day =), after finishing all files- I went to my lovely laptop' & cropped some of them (uugghhh, kakak nich--scanning nya kurang sempurnaaaa--). Yah.. cropping biasa aja sih.. Not that serious kind of Crop//or even editing' like what Eric did--hehehh..I promised i'm gonna send my baby-pict' to Vin, and it was looongg time ago before his birthday on 8th October!!! wah--Sooowwriiiie Elviinnnn ={ Hope he's not that mad; 'think' i'm gonna send them as my belated Present; maybeee??? ^o^
Nuh" just before they've done, Bebii'ss coming with sudden-call (he was near at Mosque already!!) >> bit' rush-ed, I just grabbed my jeans and then prepared to go. We went to Plaza Ex, he was starving-while me-actually i had this lil' trouble with my stomach--ugh dunno what on earth is going on with it--! Then we watched this France movie played by Audrey Tautou (I saw her first movie in'Amelie Poulin' when I was still learnt French language at CCF-Salemba). Wuaah!! the movie *Priceless* was good!! almost similar like Pretty Woman; but this is from the men side. I liked the story & the plot =), simple but not boring-simply I couldn't take my eyes off from it- I even laughed all...the time! ha ha..
after watched the movie, we went home. well, as I ever said bfore; sometimes our mood can be Flip-just in a very few sec'---- grrr..bebiii bebiiii-with all his negatif thinking'. Well my mood's tone-down a bit., but they're Okie now =)..besides I have to get rid of that-ASAP- beeeccause me and mom will have Dinner with my Uncle. He's my far-uncle though' & and not celebrating Lebaran day. But dare he's SuperDuperGood human!! ^-^ he'll be going to Macau this night; Uppss!!! it's 12.52 midnight already-he should be Gone already now cos' the flight is at 01.00 am!! hwaaaa... so late.. hihiii. *Safe trip to Macau JoN!!* oh he's name is Jon bytheway =D..
>>back again after dinner. Mom and me went home, and I still had that' Goddamn ruin-stomachaches--and! Home at Last! I continued cropping my photos done and....Write-up this Journal! ^-^
I'm okay for now..having some conversations with mom for a while (yea cos' mommie has to sleep she can't stay awake till late-night; i know) well; my mood's getting relieveee now..I'm just happy for having myself Fun-today.
Then I just decided something-!>>> Tomorrow I'm gonna get myself down to Cleaning-up My...ROOM!! wuhahahaaaaa....=p Oh myGod--enough for my dirty crappy'room-- Oh la laaa...poor RooM"iiee... she has to put all my stuffs inside her =(.. Wait for Agisca to come and wash you-up tomorrow yaa!! hiihihiiii...
1 comment:
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh.......lutuuuunyaaaa giscakyuuuuuuuu. =)) :))
lil'-cute-Gisca when she's 1 years old! :P very-vewy cute n chubby! makan chocolate terusss sihhhh! hehe. =))
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