
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ghaaaaahhh!!! I did-Insisted-myself to open my eyes bt' more>>> Just to add THIS!!!haha

Uuuuuuuu^....i'm awake-just-after saw this picture of mee--at Ric's house.! hihihii...
I guess i really am has been in a-Groovy-Playa' mood today"" =)) my God. If you see the-other pics-- weewww that'will be me-in a' 7yearOld's costume-i guess'. haha..

Well; the point is; I'm happy with all-things that "been happened today ^-^. and yess, maybe we didn't watch the video with 'the whole--Dizazzter'FaMily--cos' Maryadi & Pur went to their sweethomey* for Lebaran; plus Adhie didn't get permission from his wife and his daughter to go; i understand his reason. he's a real good worker lho.! hihi * but i still got the other; yup. the-gisca'cute-picture>was the Exact' Proof.!!ha ha...
We still watched the movie , but still FuN aswell. huehehe. serruuuu... and Eric & me got lots cute' photos..!! _promised-i'll post-'em later =)

hoaahhmm... looks like my-sleeping Angelz has just ring-me. O-oowh; i..think..i'm..goin'to...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........

1 comment:

Eric Chang said...

:D :D "Gisca-cute"!!! :D :D

rambutmu yg pas membelah itu lucuu lohh Gis! =)) kpn2 hrs diabadikan di studio tuh. hihi.